Butterfly pea flower tea is an herbal infusion made from the flowers of the butterfly pea plant.

Butterfly pea flower tea is brewed from the dried flowers of the plant Clitoria ternatea, also known as Asian pigeonwings, blue pea, and aprajita

What Is Butterfly Pea Flower Tea?

Butterfly pea plants are native across Southeast Asia and are especially popular in Vietnam and Thailand.

Where Does Butterfly Pea Flower Tea Come From?

What Does Butterfly Pea Flower Tea Taste Like?

Butterfly pea flower tea tastes similar to green tea with a slightly sweeter, more floral flavor profile.

Anthocyanin is also a base indicator, which means that the pigment changes depending on the pH it’s exposed to.

Why Does Butterfly Pea Flower Tea Change Colors?

Health Benefits of Butterfly Pea Flower Tea

– Adaptogenic properties – Antioxidants – Anti-inflammatory properties – Skin and hair health

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